Surrogacy Cost in Nepal

Surrogacy in Nepal is available in two different types as it is available in any other globe called as traditional and gestational surrogacy.

Our Surrogate Mothers

The Cost

Of Surrogacy In Nepal

  • There are a number of hospitals across the Nepal renowned to offer IVF treatment. Surrogacy Clinic Nepal is one successful name in this venture.
  • Talking about the cost of In Vitro fertilization, it is much affordable in Nepal than comparing the same with the western destinations.
  • The cost of this treatment can be separated in two different aspects, the cost of the laboratory and the expense of the medicines prescribed by the doctor.
  • However, there is no exact estimation of the cost of best IVF treatment as medication duration might vary depending upon the growth of the cells in the women’s womb.
  • Moreover, if we compare the rates of the same in Nepal with western countries such as US and UK, the expenses cuts down half of the payment that is charged in western nations.
  • For instance, the average cost of best IVF treatment in estimated US $ 1200- $ 30,000.
    In Nepal, the cost boils down to half of the cost mentioned for US.

    This is one of the most important reasons that encourages patients to come to Nepal and choose an ideal IVF procedure.
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