IVF Treatment

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IVF Treatment in Nepal

With the medical innovations taking place at its beautiful landscape, Nepal has earned another title besides being a beautiful tourist destination. The land is now offering infertility treatment with the help of a team of renowned surgeons from India. These surgeons have joined hands withSurrogacy Clinic Nepal in Nepal to surrogacy services to foreign tourists at most affordable price. Among the list of clients coming overseas to Nepal, gay and single parents have also made their name registered, which is one of its kinds of move. Single parents till now were ignored by a number of countries and thus Nepal has given them a sigh of relief.

Surrogacy includes a lot of procedures to be done carefully for a successful result. Screening a surrogate is most important of all; however, a number of procedures also find an important place to make a surrogacy result in a successful birth. The most important of all technique is IVF treatment in Nepal. The IVF treatment is the approach of fertilizing an egg the procedure of which is explained further.

How is IVF done?

IVF is done as explained here in detail

Fertility medications

You will presumably need to take medications to empower your ovaries to create experienced eggs prepared for treatment. Amid your ordinary period cycle you discharge one egg every month. Your chances of improving with more eggs and utilizing fruitfulness medications build the quantity of developed eggs that are discharged. It's proposed that IVF be offered with ripeness medications to stimulate your ovaries as you have a superior shot of subsequent pregnanacy.

Hormone infusions

You will have hormone infusions for a consecutive 12 days. These animate your ovaries to discharge more prominent number of full grown eggs. The hormones utilized are gonadotrophins follicle fortifying hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH). Ladies react to this medicates in diverse ways, and they may have side- impacts. Your specialist will nearly screen you to verify that you are watched carefully if any of the mishap occurs.

Egg recovery and sperm accumulation

Ultrasound is utilized to recognize when your eggs are prepared to be recovered. Your specialist will then expel the eggs from your ovaries. Your specialist will utilize a fine, empty needle joined to an ultrasound sweep test. The test serves to spot the follicles that contain the eggs. You may feel gentle inconvenience amid the system, yet in the event that you feel torment later on. This can be deceased with painkillers.


Any fertilized eggs will each have become a ball of cells called an embryo. They may also be referred to by your specialist as blastocysts, if the embryos are being transferred at the later blastocyst stage, at about day five. The healthiest embryos are chosen to be inserted into your uterus.

Repeated cycles

If there are any extra embryos, these may be frozen for future use. This is in case the first cycle doesn't succeed, or you want another baby after your successful treatment. IVF normally involves transferring embryos at about two to three days after fertilization. Another option is to wait until about five days after fertilization when the ball of cells has developed into a blastocyst. Only the healthiest embryos will reach the blastocyst stage in vitro. You may have a better chance of having a healthy pregnancy after blastocyst transfer.

IVF Advantages
  • No long haul wellbeing issue with the egg conceived through IVF
  • It is a marvel system for couples who are not ready to imagine regularly
  • The method offers a fulfillment of having own infants

Disadvantage of IVF
  • IVF can bring about different conception when more than one fetus is exchanged to your uterus. Different pregnancy expands your danger of having an immature infant or a child with a low conception weight.
  • Side effect from medications, which may incorporate hot flushes, cerebral pains and sickness.
  • In any case, you will need to be nearly checked for indications of ovarian hyperstimulation disorder (OHSS), especially on the chance that you have polycystic ovary disorder (PCOS).
  • Having OHSS may mean an intrusion or crossing out of the treatment cycle and a stay in healing facility while your over-fortified ovaries settle down.
  • An expanded danger of ectopic pregnancy, where a fetus embeds in a fallopian tube or in your stomach hole. This is more probable on the off chance that you have at one time had issues influencing your fallopian tubes.
  • You may be at a marginally higher danger of your child being conceived with a conception deformity on with IVF. Notwithstanding, these issues are not normal and unquestionably the danger of your infant having an issue as a consequence of ICSI or IVF is low.
  • More research is expected to make sure if there is an immediate connection between richness medications and conception deformities.
Who Are the Best Candidate for IVF treatment?
Couples having the accompanying infertility issues can see IVF as a perfect treatment. They are greater chances of pregnancy for IVF. Following are the conditions required:
  • Blocked or harmed fallopian tubes : Couples having harmed fallopian tubes will get profited from this procedure as IVF eggs are taken immediate from the ovary, prepared and embedded straight into the uterus (womb).
  • Low sperm count or poor sperm movement: Couples especially the male member if having poor sperm count can get benefitted with the treatment by mixing eggs and sperm together in a laboratory, it’s much easier for sperm to fertilize an egg. Then it’s popped straight into the womb
  • Unexplained infertility: When doctors don’t know why couples can’t conceive, IVF is often the best solution to offer a chance to the couple to conceive a baby.
IVF Stages
IVF process can ideally be divided into following stages.
  • 1st stage:The intended mother is prescribed special medication so that fertility can be improved. Improved fertility can easily offer a chance to collect more eggs. Some eggs might fail to fertilize and thus, it is important to have more eggs so that fertility can be done.
  • 2nd stage: The eggs produced inside woman’s body are then removed out by using a hollow needle that is passed through the cavity of the pelvis. This process can turn out to be much painful for the female taking part in the procedure. The pain might remain for a week or more. In addition to this if the mother is not able to produce healthy eggs, surgeons might contact to an egg donor.
  • 3rd stage: Insemination is the next stage in this procedure, which basically means to fertilize the egg in the laboratory. This fertilization is monitored closely to make sure the process is going on well.
  • 4th stage: After the egg is fertilized it is then placed into the womb of the intended or surrogate mother. Surrogate mothers can easily be hired by paying them the surrogacy cost. This cost in India is affordable when compared with the cost in foreign countries.
  • 5th stage: The woman is then allowed to take rest and look out for the early signs of pregnancy. The pregnancy is confirmed by a blood test following with an ultrasound.